Samstag, 5. November 2011

Little November Wishlist

So first of all i would really, really love to have this beautiful bag but it is actually really expensive because it is real leather with these like aztec looking metal buckle's which i quite like. Also the leather which is in a very nice wineredISH colour has this crocoskin looking texture which makes it look really luxures.
Seen by Asos about 90€
I am getting these Chelseaboots! I so have to. I can see myself in so many outfits combined with these shoes. You can wear them with a highwaistes jean/shorts or to a dress with a long blazer in all colours i think.
These are seen by Topshop about 60€

For some people these might look a little punky but i think if you wear with elegant boots a feminine dress and a blazer they look really like college but dressed up. So i also quite like those and can't wait to get them.
Seen by Urban Outfitters about 30€

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